Monday, March 22, 2010

Dark Days

It's been kind of tough around here lately. My oldest two children are very lonely and really miss living near their friends. Their closest friends have also moved away from the area, so even if we had stayed in the old town, they would still be lonely.

Joe and Madelyn hung out at church with the youth group on Sunday. Both of them had a good time and are beginning to meet more of their peers. Kate and Steve haven't been able to make any connections in the area. I've been scouring the local newspaper in search of activities that they could join, without any success.

Now that things are getting more organized, I have more time and am also a little lonely. I'm hoping with the weather changing that we will be able to get outside more often. Being cooped up hasn't helped our situation.


Barb the Evil Genius said...

I know the feeling. I've been terribly lonely at times this winter with Mr. BTEG asleep so much of the time and the family not even getting to church all the time. The nicer weather has really been big in keeping me going.

Since you live in a small town, is there 4H in your area? Or Scouts?

Karen said...

I haven't looked into 4H yet. In our former county, we are passed the time period to join a club until after fair. Thanks for the suggestions!