Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Home made soup

Mike's mom and I talked on the phone the other day. She offered us some ham bones to use for making home-made soup. I commented that Mike would probably enjoy making some bean soup, and added that I don't make soup from bones. I tend to use purchased broth, because I make soup from leftover meat.

Today, Mike's mom gave him the soup bones and a stack of magazines. The magazines were all cooking magazines and had pictures of bowls of soup on the cover. (I am sure that this wasn't planned.) I jokingly told Mike that she must feel sorry for him because I don't make completely-from-scratch soup and she must feel that he is deprived.

Mike commented, "Don't feel too bad, my mom made lousy soup too." He may never live down that little zinger!


Holly Days Closet said...

OMG I'm laughing and crying I can't believe he said that.

Karen said...

At least he's keeping me humble! :)

Melinda said...

Oh how funny. You are such a good sport!