Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jams and Jellies

By early spring, we always run out of home-made jam and jelly. I managed to pick up quite a few strawberries at Meijer when they were on sale a few weeks ago. Time constraints only allowed two batches of jam to be made, so more will need to be made when strawberries are in season around here. At the same time, supplies were purchased to make apple jelly and grape jelly. It's cost prohibitive to use grapes and apples to make juice, to make jelly, so I purchased the juice. The grape jelly still needs to be made, but I've managed to get 20 pints stocked up for next year.


Holly Days Closet said...

WOW you are good. I have never made jam or jelly always wanted to. Did you check out the esty site I really think you might like what you see and be encouraged. Let me know what you think.

Melinda said...

Hey Karen those look so pretty on your counter. Gives you such a feeling of accomplishment to see them all together like that. You're off to a great start again this year. I am always in awe of how much you can get done in a day!

Glenda said...

Karen - looks great!

Do you have a place near where you can buy apples at the orchard in the fall for a decent price? If so, buy some for applesauce, and use the peelings to make juice for jelly. And I forget what mom does to make the apple butter, but it used the cores or other peelings or something. I don't really like apple butter so I didn't pay attention. But being able to use all parts of the apple for sauce and jelly and butter makes the price seem quite good. :-)

MaryAnn said...

We're waiting patiently for our strawberries to produce this year, had a year off. Our kids love homemade jams and frozen fruit better than store bought too! We'll plan a visit in June. Congrats to Joe!