Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Update

Friday and Saturday, the girls and I froze 20 quarts of strawberries and made three batches of jam. The strawberries were $1/pound. Why are the local berries always so much more expensive than berries from California. The kids and I plan to pick some local strawberries when they are in season, but it's nice to get some at the lower price!

My mom gave me 12 young lilac bushes. I've always loved the look and smell of the purple variety. My mom shared some of her white lilacs, which have much less fragrance, but I still enjoy having them around. We planted them along the fence line where the one neighbor sits on her back porch and stares at us when we are outdoors. She seems like a nice enough person, but it makes us uncomfortable to be watched constantly. The lilacs should provide just the right amount of screen between our properties.

On Friday, Amy streaked her siblings' hair. Katie, Steve, and Madelyn got platinum blond streaks. Katie's was heavily streaked, and I thought that the difference in color was too extreme. Her hair was dyed blond on Saturday. It ended up being a strawberry blond color.

1 comment:

Barb the Evil Genius said...

I *love* lilac bushes, but we can't do anything big here while we are still renting.