Monday, February 15, 2010

Small Towns

Our "new" home is in a small town of about 17,000. Life moves a little slower here. People are more interested in their neighbor's comings and goings. One of our neighbors spends a lot of time watching us from her back porch where she has cigarette breaks. It drives my kids crazy. Mike has suggested that the kids wave to her whenever they notice her staring at them. Hopefully, we will meet her when the weather changes and our family spends more time outdoors.

Steve had a friend spend the weekend with us. The three boys (Steve and his friend included Joe in many of their activities) wandered the town and walked to several different stores. I overheard Steve mentioning some "cool" shops downtown. He also bragged about some of the things that there are to do here. It's a good sign. Maybe we need to have lots of company until everyone in our family finds their niche here.

On Saturday, we all walked to the library which is within easy walking distance. The children's librarian greeted us when we entered the building and asked if we had any questions. She spent 25 minutes telling me about upcoming events at the library, inviting our children to activities that were appropriate for their age groups, and proving information about community locations and events.

I was impressed with the size and variety of children materials offered. The adult section was weak. I'd much prefer that the children's room selections be better if only one area could be good. The librarian explained that they do a lot of ILL books. The limit on materials is 20 per card. Quite a change for us who normally had 40-50 books out per card at a time. It should not be too much of a hardship due to our close proximity to the library.

We attended the local Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod church on Sunday again. My youngest three girls attended Sunday School. The congregation was very welcoming and the children felt less like out-siders than the previous Sunday. The pastor's wife spent a long time talking with me about the church and community and invited me to attend several community groups that she enjoys. On Saturday, a member of the congregation visited our home to welcome us and ask if he could answer any questions we might have about the church and area.

The warm welcome that we are receiving in the area is very different from the normal behavior in the larger city where we lived previously. Not the the people in the other city were unkind or rude. There is just a sense of intimacy in a small town. Everyone knows everyone else. I think that we will enjoy living in this area.


Ewe said...

Your new area is what I meant when I said in the placement interview at Seminary that I was willing to go to a small town. I never guessed we would go to a town of 113 people without ANY zeros behind that 113. There are advantages and disadvantages to small towns whether there are small like yours or small like mine. It takes some adjustment but eventually you learn to appreciate the blessings of where you live and try not to dwell on the disadvantages.

Holly Days Closet said...

You'll get use to it. Rmemeber that not only is the house new to you but you are new to everyone else people aren't really staring they are just wondering.