Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter Weekend

We had a busy Easter weekend. Friday, I spent hours on the road picking up Amy from school. She had a tutoring job in the afternoon, so we weren't able to decorate/color hard-boiled eggs until Saturday morning.

Saturday was also my nephew's birthday party. He turned three. Amy drove the other children to his party, so I could do some dinner preparation for Sunday. Most of the food was made, but I didn't didn't have enough time to make the gelatin salad or decorate the sugar cookies.

Sunday, we were able to attend the services of the local Missouri synod church. The service was wonderful. I loved singing all the Easter hymns. There was so much joy and happiness as we celebrated our risen Lord.

We raced home for dinner and the children ate a bunch of candy from their Easter baskets. The kids all cleaned up the kitchen and dining room after we had eaten. My mom hosted her annual Easter celebration in Bellevue. I'm not sure how much longer my mom will be able to host her big family gatherings. She is always so exhausted before, during, and after any event. Mom isn't ready to let anyone else host these gatherings.

The older children (high school aged) hide filled plastic eggs all over my mom's property, while the younger children stay inside the house. The younger children are told the number of eggs each child can collect and then let out of the house for the big search. Some of the eggs are placed in the grass for the youngest children. The older searcher must locate eggs that have been placed in branches of trees, hidden inside mailboxes, underneath cars, etc. There are usually one or two eggs that aren't located each year.

Paige found her number of eggs so quickly that I wasn't able to get a photo of her during the hunt. Here she is enjoying some of her goodies, while everyone else was outside still searching.

We had a good time and arrived home tired. Unfortunately, the two youngest girls were on a sugar "high", so we didn't get much sleep that night.

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