Saturday, March 6, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Mike got out of work early yesterday and Amy came home for spring break. Our family celebrated having everyone around by going to the movies. We managed to arrive in time for the 4:45 showing, so all tickets were reduced. Earlier in the week, I had purchased a movie at Best Buy for someone's Easter basket. The movie had a sticker that contained the code for a printable free ticket. What a bargain! We only needed to purchase 8 tickets!

Everyone enjoyed the PG-rated movie, but the last couple of scenes were really too intense for my youngest two girls. The girls covered their eyes until it became less scary. After the movie, we talked about our favorite parts of the movie. I was really surprised that three of my children like the dance that the Mad Hatter does in celebration. I thought that it was really cheesy, but then again I'm not a kid. My favorite part was when the card army get knocked over.

The movie takes place when Alice is 19 and about to become engaged. She falls down the hole and returns to Wonderland. My first thought was that the movie would be completely different from the books (which I am ashamed to admit I have never read, but I have seen the Disney cartoon.) My children, who have read the books, said that the movie brought many parts from the books to the current story. The characters were much more engaging that I thought that they would be from the advertisements. I even understand why the red queen had such a huge head.

We will probably end up purchasing this movie when it is released in DVD form. Some of the kids are talking about using their own money to see the movie again, while it is still playing on the big screen. It is one of the few movies that I don't feel we spent too much money to see in the theater. How's that for high praise?

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